Middle School Program
The Middle school program focuses on Developmental skills and goals and contain ongoing objective assessment of progress. Teaching strategies are designed for the generalization and maintenance of skills. The TEACCH program takes a major role where the emphasis is on environmental organisation, visual support and teaching of independence and developmental skills. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) based intervention used in one on one setting to focus on imitation, interaction, play and response to basic requests, language, description of emotions and academic skills. Also of critical importance at this age are independence in self help skills and the learning of parallel play and other simple indoor and outdoor game activities that foster group participation. Instructional strategies used are natural environment teaching, discrete trial instruction, and systematic exposure to larger group instruction.
Each student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that addresses the student’s specific needs and teaches functional skills developing the student’s strengths. The academic skill focuses on English vocabulary and language build up, Numerical concepts and Environmental studies. Reading, writing, analytical skill, strengthening working memory, organising skill and visual perception gets more importance in this program.
Group intervention focuses on co-curricular activities through Arts based therapy, Adaptive sports therapy, music therapy, yoga and creative movement therapy.
Regular visits to Outdoor sports arena, various indoor events with simulated environment of movie showcasing, mock shopping, pot lunch party, field trips and excursions to horticulture space, garden, museum etc. reinforces the learning and generalise them in a gradual process while desensitizing the overwhelming effect of the real world space.